Three Counties 2009 Critique
PD (3) 1 Llewellyn’s Matahari Menjangen. Good size for type. Keeps a correct topline in profile. Good head, fair front but weak at the pasterns and feet. Good body coming and promising rear. 2 Draper’s Stag Ranger at Meneghy. Better feet and a tight harsh coat. His shoulder was rather upright and he needs more weight in body, good rear and general make and shape. 3 Peach’s Ellinkeyree Fog on the Tyne.
JD (1) Cheshire’s Kilbourne Nuin of Deeranwith. A bit ‘wolf houndy’ in type and I thought his movement could have been lighter. Pleasing neck, very straight in shoulders, good arch over the loin and nice quarters, deep chest, ribs carried well back.
PGD (10) Extremely poor class very disappointing to judge. 1 Francis and Blatchford’s Cloweswood Acer of Peopleton. Winner, a tough flat in back and movement up and down could be more precise. But he looked the best for type in the class. 2 Adam’s Cscarf O(Imp). Too big and heavy in head, front could be better and he needs more slope of shoulder, I liked his good topline and ribbing he has some substance and was not a bag of bones as most were. A strong boy overall. 3 Hawkin’s Kwaricot Archimago JW.
LD (3) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne Fire Chief. Lovely type and quality. Easy and active mover and true both ways. Good bone pleasing head, a little hard in expression, excellent body and topline and super quarters and coat. Front feet could be tighter. RCC. 2 Barter’s Brutus Fraxinus of Ehlaradawn. A nice dog, straighter in shoulders than winner and very long in loin. He kept a good topline moving and has good curvy quarters. Excellent coat and pleasing head and length of foreface. 3 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Sonata.
OD (4) 1 Help’s Greyfriars Gille of Beardswood. Pleasing type and quality. A very sound dog with an easy action and he was true coming and going. I liked his head and eyes, neat rose ears, good bones and feet, deep roomy chest. His topline could arch a mite more but his is by no means flat. In excellent coat and body condition. BD, CC. 2 Day’s Demerlay Dorian Grey at Celticmoon. Another houndy dog, holds himself well, pleasing body and topline is perfect, good shape over croup and super behind. A little straight in shoulders and upper arm. Also in immaculate condition. 3 Llewellyn’s Kilbourne Macallan at Matahari.
PB (6) Draper’s Killoeter Orra at Meneghy. A really uplifting class with all four worthy of a 1st. Winner free and easy moving. Elegant lines. Excellent forechest and true movement in front and powerful rear. Keeps a correct outline moving. Maybe a little heavy in ears. BP & Puppy Group 3. 2 Draper’s Bradleyabbi Shamo at Meneghy. I liked her shape, also very much a female but strong and well muscled for a puppy, she was very tense and just needs to relax a little more on the move, but very true and precise. 3 Help’s Rosslyn Pollie.
JB (5) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne Teine. Another super class! So pleasing to go over some typy well made bitches, is so much better than the males at present. Winner has a lovely easy action very powerful driving quarters, good strong legs, excellent coat and body condition and has a perfect topline. Could be stronger in foreface. RBCC. 2 Taylor’s Brackenland Tan at Kilbourne. Most beautiful bitch for type and quality, a better head than winner but not going as well in rear. Sound front, good body for a junior and not too long in loin. Very promising as was third. 3 Owen and Brodie’s Wolfscastle Efa.
PGB (15) A lovely class of quality bitches many sadly unplaced. 1 Peach’s Witch Way to Kilbourne. The winner I thought was so true and sound, super legs and feet. In good coat and body, pleasing head and in excellent muscular condition. A really old fashioned type. CC, BOB & Group 2. 2 Bailey’s Kilbourne Jenifer Jupiter to Greyflax. Not quite the front and shoulders of 1 but good for the breed at present, super body, topline and quarters. Excellent coat and condition as had third. 3 Taylor’s Guinivere Starshire From Kilbourne.
LB (4) 1 Jansons’ Nixophel Crystal Amethyst JW ShCM. A good honest bitch who moved out fairly well, elegant and shapely, front not perfect, but passable. Super body and couplings, sound quarters, nice slope of croup. In good nick. 2 Grimshaw’s Jamalison Melody. She too was a nice type, front a bit pokey coming towards me and rear not quite up to winner’s. I liked her shape and lovely calm temperament, deep well ribbed body and aristocratic-looking head and expression. 3 Bunce’s Lealla Kintra at Pantawick.
OB (5) 1 Owen and Brodie’s Ch Marandike Ebony’s Choice to Wolfscastle. Beautiful head, eyes and expression, elegant neck and well laid back shoulders, super body, depth and couplings, good bend of stifles and neat hocks, rear movement a bit disappointing but such a true front and easy side action. In lovely coat. 2 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Mature and in good body and coat, better in rear going away. Keeps her outline in profile gait and has a long easy stride. 3 Bailey’s Ch Greyflax a Kind of Magic JW.
Zena Thorn Andrews